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How Objectivity and Decisiveness Define True Leadership

Two factors stand out as being crucial in the world of leadership: objectivity and decisiveness. Not only are these attributes admirable, but they also form the basis of successful leadership. This article looks at why maintaining objectivity and acting quickly are essential for effective leadership, and how adopting these qualities may help leaders lead their team confidently through even the most difficult situations. Furthermore, this article provides insight into striking a balance between courageous action and careful contemplation, as well as why being comfortable with indecision could be a serious mistake. So, are you ready to become a courageous and fair leader?

Let’s imagine you’re the leader of a team, be it a small project group or an entire team. Your decisions must be based on facts, not just subjective opinions or gut reactions. Objectivity is very important in this situation. When making a decision, being objective entails examining the available information, taking into account other viewpoints, and analyzing the evidence. It’s about preventing your own biases and sentiments from impairing your judgment.

In leadership, consider objectivity to be your trusted compass, and strive to be objective at all times. Just like in the wild, where a compass points you in the right direction and also helps you navigate through the terrain, objectivity helps you navigate through the complex leadership landscape of decisions and challenges. When you embrace indecision, you inadvertently give in to hiccups. Your indecision becomes a big red flag. 

In this regard, you may need to examine yourself, because being comfortable not making decisions is essentially stepping away from your role as a leader. Successful leaders don’t stay on the fence. Neither do they side with any party or group, but with objectivity. If you know you are not confident enough to be open and agree with objectivity, then leadership may not be for you.

Imagine yourself in a position where you have to make a key decision, but you hesitate. Perhaps you’re afraid you’ll make the wrong decision or upset someone. While it’s normal to feel this way, letting yourself or your team become indecisive can be detrimental. They rely on you to give them direction, but when you hesitate, it leaves them stuck in uncertainty.
Making decisions—even tough ones—is essential to effective leadership. It’s about acting bravely in the face of uncertainty.

True leaders aren’t just people going through the motions; they are willing to make decisions and move forward even if they may make mistakes along the way.
Being decisive does not entail acting hastily or disregarding other people’s opinions. It entails devoting sufficient time to obtaining information, conferring with your group, and ultimately arriving at an informed decision. It all comes down to finding the right mix between thoughtful deliberation and timely action. Being a leader means having the confidence to take charge and lead your team through uncertainty, rather than always being 100% certain.

So, what does this look like in practice? Suppose your business is dealing with a significant market shift. An impartial leader would collect information, consult with specialists to gain their ideas, and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches. They wouldn’t let fears or inclinations control what they did. Rather, they would decide based on the best available evidence, clearly communicate the rationale behind it, and then confidently lead the team ahead.

On the other hand, a leader who finds comfort in indecision can procrastinate making decisions until the “perfect” time or more information, which may never come. This could result in missed opportunities or a decline in the team’s trust in leadership. In the end, decisiveness and objectivity go hand in hand. While decisiveness makes sure that action is taken when necessary, objectivity makes sure that your decisions are reasonable and grounded in reality. When combined, they form the cornerstone of effective leadership. Therefore, if you want to be a leader, embrace objectivity and don’t be afraid to make difficult decisions. Your team will appreciate it.

Odusanya Adedeji

Odusanya Adedeji A., is a Licensed & Certified Clinical Psychologist whose domain of expertise cuts across management of specific mental health issues such as, Depression, PTSD, Anxiety & Anxiety related disorders, substance use disorder, etc

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