1. I resent having anyone trick me so cleverly that I have to admit I was fooled.
  2. I do not tire quickly.
  3. I like to know some important people because it makes me feel important.
  4. I am afraid when I look down from a high place.
  5. It wouldn’t make me nervous if any member of my family got into trouble with the law.
  6. I am never happy unless I am roaming or travelling around.
  7. What others think of me does not bother me.
  8. It makes me uncomfortable to put on a stunt at a party even when others are doing the same sort of things.
  9. I have never had a fainting spell.
  10. I liked school.
  11. I frequently have to fight against showing that I am bashful.
  12. Someone has been trying to poison me.
  13. I do not have a great fear of snakes.
  14. I seldom or never have dizzy spells.
  15. My memory seems to be alright.
  16. I am worried about sex.
  17. I find it hard to make talk when I met new people.
  18. I have had periods in which I carried on activities without knowing later what I had been doing.
  19. When I get bored I like to stir up some excitement.
  20. I am afraid of losing my mind.
  21. I am against giving money to beggars.
  22. I frequently notice my hand shakes when I try to do something.
  23. I can read a long while without tiring my eyes.
  24. I like to study and read about things that I am working at.
  25. I feel weak all over much of the time.
  26. I have very few headaches.
  27. My hands have not become clumsy or awkward.
  28. Sometimes, when embarrassed, I break out in a sweat which annoys me greatly.
  29. I have had no difficulty in keeping my balance in walking.
  30. There is something wrong with my mind.
  31. I do not have spells of hay fever or asthma.
  32. I have had attacks in which I could not control my movements or speech but in which I knew what was going on around me.
  33. I do not like everyone I know.
  34. I daydream very little.
  35. I wish I were not so shy.
  36. I am not afraid to handle money.
  37. If I were a reporter I would very much like to report news of the theatre.
  38. I enjoy many different kinds of play and recreation.
  39. I like to flirt.
  40. My people treat me more like a child than a grown-up.
  41. I would like to be a journalist.
  42. My mother is a good woman, or (if your mother is dead) my mother was a good woman.
  43. In walking I am very careful to step over sidewalk cracks.
  44. I have never had any breaking out on my skin that has worried me.
  45. There is very little love and companionship in my family as compared to other homes.
  46. I frequently find myself worrying about something.
  47. I think I would like the work of a building contractor.
  48. I often hear voices without knowing where they come from.
  49. I like science.
  50. It is not hard for me to ask help from my friends even though I cannot return the favor.