1. Often I feel as if there is a tight band around my head.
  2. I get angry sometimes.
  3. I enjoy a race or game more when I bet on it.
  4. Most people are honest chiefly because they are afraid of being caught.
  5. In school I was sometimes sent to the principal for bad behaviour.
  6. My speech is the same as always (not faster or slower, no slurring or hoarseness).
  7. My table manners are not quite as good at as when I am out in company.
  8. Anyone who is able and willing to work hard has a good chance of succeeding.
  9. I seem to be about as capable and smart as most others around me.
  10. Most people will use somewhat unfair means to gain profit or an advantage rather than lose it.
  11. I have a great deal of stomach trouble.
  12. I like dramatics.
  13. I know who is responsible for most of my troubles.
  14. Sometimes I am so strongly attracted by the personal articles of others, such as shoes, gloves, etc., that I want to handle or steal
    them, though I have no use for them.
  15. The sight of blood doesn’t frighten me or make me sick.
  16. Often I can’t understand why I have been so irritable and grouchy.
  17. I have never vomited blood or coughed up blood.
  18. I don’t worry about catching diseases.
  19. I like collecting flowers or growing house plants.
  20. I frequently find it necessary to stand up for what I think is right.
  21. I have never indulged in any unusual sex practices.
  22. At times my thoughts have raced ahead faster than I could speak them.
  23. If I could get into a movie without paying and be sure I was not seen I would probably do it.
  24. I often wonder what hidden reason another person may have for doing something nice for me.
  25. I believe that my home life is as pleasant as that of most people I know.
  26. I believe in law enforcement.
  27. Criticism or scolding hurts me terribly.
  28. I like to cook.
  29. My conduct is largely controlled by the behaviour of those around me.
  30. I certainly feel useless at times.
  31. When I was a child, I belonged to a group of friends that tried to be loyal through all kinds of trouble.
  32. I believe in a life hereafter.
  33. I would like to be a soldier.
  34. At times I feel like picking a fist fight with someone.
  35. I have often lost out on things because I couldn’t make up my mind soon enough.
  36. It makes me impatient to have people ask my advice or otherwise interrupt me when I am working on something important.
  37. I used to keep a diary.
  38. I believed I am being plotted against.
  39. I would rather win than lose in a game.
  40. Most nights I go to sleep without thoughts or ideas bothering me.
  41. During the past few years I have been well most of the time.
  42. I have never had a fit or convulsion.
  43. I am neither gaining nor losing weight.
  44. I believe I am being followed.
  45. I feel that I have often been punished without cause.
  46. I cry easily.
  47. I cannot understand what I read as well as I used to.
  48. I have never felt better in my life than I do now.
  49. The top of my head sometimes feels tender.
  50. Sometimes I feel as if I must injure either myself or someone else.