1. I have no fear of water.
  2. I often must sleep over a matter before I decide what to do.
  3. People have often misunderstood my intentions when I was trying to put them right and be helpful.
  4. I have no trouble swallowing.
  5. I am usually calm and not easily upset.
  6. I would certainly enjoy beating criminals at their own game.
  7. I deserve severe punishment for my sins.
  8. I am apt to take disappointments so keenly that I can’t put them out of my mind.
  9. It bothers me to have someone watch me at work even though I know I can do it well.
  10. I am often so annoyed when someone tries to get ahead of me in a line of people that I speak to that person about it.
  11. At times I think I am no good at all.
  12. When I was young I often did not go to school even when I should have gone.
  13. One or more members of my family are very nervous.
  14. I have at times had to be rough with people who are rude or annoying.
  15. I worry quite a bit over possible
  16. I have strong political opinions.
  17. I would like to be an auto racer.
  18. It is all right to get around the law if you don’t actually break it.
  19. There are certain people whom I dislike so much that I am inwardly pleased when they are catching it for something they have done.
  20. It makes me nervous to have to wait.
  21. I am apt to pass up something I want to do because others feel that I am not going about it in the right way.
  22. I was fond of excitement when I was young.
  23. I am often inclined to go out of my way to win a point with someone who has opposed me.
  24. I am bothered by people outside, on the streets, in stores, etc., watching me.
  25. The man who had most to do with me when I was a child (such as my father, stepfather, etc.) was very strict with me.
  26. I used to like to play hopscotch and jump rope.
  27. I have never seen a vision.
  28. I have several times had a change of heart about my lifework.
  29. Except by doctor’s orders I never take drugs or sleeping pills.
  30. I am often sorry because I am so irritable and grouchy.
  31. In school my marks in classroom
    behaviour were quite regularly bad.
  32. I am fascinated by fire.
  33. When I am concerned I tell that portion of the truth which is not likely to hurt me.
  34. If I was in trouble with several friends who were as guilty as I was, I would rather take the whole blame than give them away.
  35. I am often afraid of the dark.
  36. When a man is with a woman he is usually thinking about things related to her sex.
  37. I am usually very direct with people I am trying to correct or improve.
  38. I dread the thought of an earthquake.
  39. I readily become one hundred percent sold on a good idea.
  40. I usually work things out for myself rather than get someone to show me how.
  41. I am afraid of finding myself in a closet or small closed place.
  42. I must admit that I have at times been worried beyond reason over something that really did not matter.
  43. I do not try to cover up my poor opinion or pity of people so that they won’t know how I feel.
  44. I am a high-strung person.
  45. I have frequently worked under people who seem to have things arranged so that they get credit for good work but are able to pass off mistakes onto those under them.
  46. I sometimes find it hard to stick up for my rights because I am so reserved.
  47. Dirt frightens or disgusts me.
  48. I have a daydream life about which I do not tell other people.
  49. Some of my family have quick tempers.
  50. I cannot do anything well.